The first step in obtaining a loan is to determine how much money you can borrow. In case of buying a property, you should determine how much qualify for even before you begin looking. By answering a few simple questions, we will calculate your buying power, based on standard lender guidelines.
Click here to Pre-Qualify.
You may also elect to get pre-approved for a loan which requires verification of your income, credit, assets and liabilities. It is recommended that you get pre-approved before you start looking so you:
LTV and Debt-to-Income Ratios
LTV or Loan-To-Value ratio is the maximum amount of exposure that a lender is willing to accept in financing your purchase. Another consideration in approving the maximum amount of loan for a particular borrower is the ratio of monthly debt payments (such as credit cards and loans) to income.
FICO™ Credit Score
FICO™ Credit Scores are widely used by almost all types of lenders in their credit decision. It is a quantified measure of creditworthiness of an individual, which is derived from mathematical models developed by Fair Isaac and Company in San Rafael, California. FICO™ scores reflect credit risk of the individual in comparison with that of general population. It is based on a number of factors including past payment history, total amount of borrowing, length of credit history, search for new credit, and type of credit established. When you begin shopping around for a new credit card or a loan, every time a lender runs your credit report it adversely effects your credit score. It is, therefore, advisable that you authorize the lender/broker to run your credit report only after you have chosen to apply for a loan through them.
Loans come in many shapes and sizes. Deciding which loan makes the most sense for your financial situation and goals means understanding the benefits of each. Whether you are buying or refinancing, there are 2 basic types of home loans. Each has different reasons you'd choose them.
1) Fixed Rate Mortgage
Fixed rate mortgages usually have terms lasting 15 or 30 years. Throughout those years, the interest rate and monthly payments remain the same.
2) Adjustable Rate Mortgage
Adjustable Rate Mortgages (often called ARMs) typically last for 15 or 30 years, just like fixed rate mortgages. But during those years, the interest rate on the loan may go up or down. Monthly payments increase or decrease.
By carefully considering the above factors and seeking our professional advice, you should be able to select the one loan that matches your present condition as well as your future financial goals.
Once your loan application has been received we will start the loan approval process immediately. Your loan processor will verify all of the information you have given. If any discrepancies are found, either the processor or your loan officer will troubleshoot to straighten them out. This information includes:
In order to improve your chances of getting a loan approval:
After your loan is approved, you are ready close.
We've been helping customers invest in their future for many years and we love what we do.
2470 Boston Post Road, Unit B4
Guilford, CT 06437
Phone: (203) 457-5238
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